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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chocolate Cupcakes with Fluffy Peanut Butter Frosting & Chocolate Drizzle

Blog #23

Yesterday we surprised my aunt for her birthday with a night out at Seau's in Mission Valley.  Every Wednesday is Aloha Wednesday with live local Hawaiian bands and half price happy hour til closing.  This is like the 3rd time we have gone to Seau's since we moved here back in July 2010.  We surprised her there last year from her birthday too, but TJ was playing then.  TJ is another family member.  We really missed him last night since he wasn't playing.  Anyhow.  I was in charge of making the cake.  I opted for cupcakes instead so that we wouldn't have to cut anything and I really am not a big cake maker.  I kinda suck at it and my cupcakes always turn out way better.

So I looked in my pantry and found a box of Devil's Food cake mix.  Yum!  No, I didn't make my own cake batter.  But I did however make my own frosting and chocolate drizzle.  I did have one coconut pecan frosting container but I already knew that wasn't going to be enough.  While I was on Pinterest a few days ago, I found this cupcake with peanut butter frosting, chocolate ganache, and topped with a mini Reese's peanut butter cup.  I thought to myself "Damn, I need to make that!" So this is my twist on what I saw in the picture.

I decided that today was the day and why not? Who doesn't love peanut butter frosting and chocolate cupcakes?! I went to my favorite recipe website: allrecipes of course.  Did a search and found a couple of different recipes, all needing heavy cream.  Sorry, but I don't have that fully stocked in my fridge.  Only time it's ever been in my fridge is when I've made my own Alfredo sauce and then when I made my bff's recipe for cream puffs (super delicious).  So I began to read the comments that people posted.  One person I forget the name (sorry whoever you may be) put an entire new recipe in their comments because the other recipe didn't work for them. So I went with the comment person and followed their recipe and boy was I happy that I did.  I really didn't want to go to the store.

The chocolate drizzle I used from the cream puffs recipe my friend Cheryl gave me.  Then I used chocolate covered macadamia nut kisses that I got from my mom last week.  It all worked out great.  I even used my long tip from my Pampered Chef easy accent decorator to get some frosting inside the cupcake so it doubled as a filling too.


1 box of Devil's Food Cake mix
1 stick butter, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter
2 cups powdered sugar
3 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tbsp Crisco
24 Hersey chocolate covered macadamia nut kisses or mini Reese's peanut butter cups


1.  Make cake mix as directed on the back of the box.  Makes 24 cupcakes.
2.  While cupcakes are baking, mix together butter and peanut butter using an electric mixer. 
3.  Add milk and powdered sugar and mix.
4.  Add in vanilla and mix until creamy.
5.  When cupcakes have cooled, stick the tip of your frosting bag all the way into the cupcake and push frosting out slowly, slowly moving the tip out of the cupcake creating a filling for your cupcake.
6.  Frost the top of your cupcake.  Let frosting harden for about 30 minutes - 1 hour in the fridge before adding chocolate drizzle.
7.  In a microwave-safe dish, microwave chocolate chips and Crisco in 30 second intervals and stirring after each interval until chocolate is melted.
8.  Using a fork, drizzle chocolate over cupcake.
9.  Place one candy on top of the cupcake. 
10.  Place in fridge until ready to serve.

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